Sunday, February 20, 2005


It's snowing. The flurries from yesterday turned into something real! For the past week it’s been flurry flurry flurry flurry nothing. I've said, "If it’s going to be cold, it might as well be snowing." And it snowed. I don't know how much we've gotten. I haven't gone outside yet, but it’s enough that the grass is no longer visible -except in that place where they accidentally plowed the grass and not the sidewalk... Tonight or tomorrow would be a perfect time to go to Mt. Kato. Real snow! Real Nice! Anyone wanna go? If we get enough people together, it would be 16 bucks a ticket, rentals included!

If you get up late enough, they will have plowed by the time you are ready to go outside. If you get up early enough, the only thing plowed will be the sidewalk in front of chapel. If you can trudge that far, it’s easy going. Chapel better be your first stop for the day, and you'll need to spend a lot of time there before anything else gets done. Physical Plant is about as lazy as the tennis coach, who stole our riding vacuum cleaner.

I still don't think we've gotten 20 inches of snow this year. Somehow, that still makes us under quota. We need more snow! The soft fluffy kind, preferable that emanates warmth and happiness and stays around for a while. The kind that comes without bitterly cold wind. It’s not March yet, so I don't think my dreams will come true.