Thursday, February 03, 2005

Touring Week: Its Mao-velous!

I wish I knew who came up with the whole idea of J-Term and Touring week; they deserve a lollipop! Not for thier brilliance, nor for their stupidity, but for the depth of their knowledge in regards to the life and moods of a "college student." Especially during a Minnesota January, when the wind is cold and the sky is gray, does this essential knowledge of the species "studentis collegeis" become quintessentially rewardable. After having been granted the entertainment of a real class with a real teacher and some real reading material discussed by some real students who really want to be there, and then having been endowed with the parole and permission to see the sun, reside near the mountains, and sleep in a real bed, I think the guy that lets me do that should get a lollipop or a tootsie roll or something.

Being home for a week has been fantastic! Though its had its downs -the snow has already melted, I don't get to work, everyone else is in class all the time, my mom keeps shoving vitamin pills into me like I am some biological mistake, and the high-speed internet isn't ALL mine- life is cruzin' good. I guarantee that will all come grinding to a halt soon, very soon. Yet, the next time I come home, I will be more prepared to kick butt at Cranium (Blue and Green cards, be prepared) and will have created my own crazy and indecipherable rule for Mao (A card game which everyone will love, hate, and should learn to play). So Beware!

There are 17 books waiting in 17 packages in the school post office for me. There is one roommate, one messy room, and one mattress that gives backaches awaiting my return. Oh, and a credit card bill of a most unpleasant character. Its time to party up before I knuckle down and grow up. Or it’s simply the last of the days when I can get up late before it once again becomes mandatory to wake up early.

For the lack of a better ending: "Eeeepp!"

2 Squibs:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My laughing muscles are still recovering from Mao...a most infuriatingly captivating game. I wonder who made it up---any ideas? It does sound like the incomprehensible rules to live by under an insane dictator, so maybe a political science major did the dirty deed. The rules should be listed in a little red book. And I'm looking forward to your new rule...I have to admit, I can hardly wait to play again, I am hooked.

As for the green and blue cards, I want to hear you hum "I'm a Little Teapot" next time.
Eeep back atcha,
Mrs. G

2/03/2005 7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My laughing muscles are still recovering from Mao...a most infuriatingly captivating game. I wonder who made it up---any ideas? It does sound like the incomprehensible rules to live by under an insane dictator, so maybe a political science major did the dirty deed. The rules should be listed in a little red book. And I'm looking forward to your new rule...I have to admit, I can hardly wait to play again, I am hooked.

As for the green and blue cards, I want to hear you hum "I'm a Little Teapot" next time.
Eeep back atcha,
Mrs. G

2/03/2005 7:10 PM  

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