Sunday, February 13, 2005

-One Week-

One week down, lots more to go. It’s not even worth counting right now; just flipping that many pages in my planner is depressing. How can anyone take pride, or solace, in having lived through 5 days of classes and one long day of work? It doesn't even feel like the start of the semester -this past week has gone on for so long that only the dates on the syllabus show us it was handed out not even 7 days ago. Plenty of time has been given for trouble making as well. I've already informed the class that I have taken the MMPI, I've run my car out of gas, started hating my room and roommate, and done laundry at midnight. What a week! 15 more to go. (Yes, I buckled down and counted, but on a different calendar.) But my homework is done, and I enjoyed doing it. As long as the class isn't a core and required class, the homework is almost inspirational and worth doing. History of Modern Russia? Of course I want to learn! Teach me more; I only have 4 pages of notes so far. Teacher, help me fix that! Hold class over every day. Don't talk about the upcoming Student Senate elections; I don't know any of them anyways. Talk about Modern Russia! Why didn't I take Russian as my foreign language last semester? Curse you, O Supreme Schedule of the College! And Essays? Essays are just good to read. I'll tear through them, just you wait, book by book; I'll ravish and enjoy them like none other. But the Bhagavad-Gita? Spielvogel's brief history of the world since 1500? Come on! I know there's better out there. Better teachers, maybe... But better ways to approach the topic of "Western Civ" or "Morality" than those, definitely!

And now its time to go to church. First Sunday, good place to start going to church. Next 15 Sundays, good place to keep going to Church.

Oh, and any Machebeuf people, please pray for Mrs. Ferguson. She has Pancreatic Cancer, which is usually pretty thoroughly and immediately fatal and could use any prayers!