Sunday, February 06, 2005

A Long Hot Shower and Its All Better

The snow conditions at Copper Mountain yesterday left something to be desired. With no new snow in the past 4 days, the slopes were sprinkled with man-made snow and ice -lots and lots of ice. Though the day was not a waste, it sure was tiring. Snowboards, only having 2 edges, require more effort to control than a pair of skis (4 edges). After a whole day of controlling my board, trying to keep up with my brother ( a speed demon) and my friend (who has been skiing since she was 3), and driving through Saturday mountain traffic I was exhausted and felt really frazzled. I drove home safely, however, and ate another one of those filling and regular meals my mom provides when I am home. Then I headed for the shower. Ahhh. A nice, long, hot shower. That fixed everything! My hair was wet (and cold) but I was ready for bed. I packed my bag (ugh) polished my shoes, and pretended not to see the really full laundry basket. Now I'm back at school, sore and tired and discovering exactly how college contributes to the definition of "empty and meaningless lifestyle." Oh yes, and tomorrow, I get to pay a visit to the post office to retrieve 11 packages and chew them out for folding a book in half to squeeze it into my post office box. Grr!

1 Squibs:

Blogger Fun Sized said...

I know exactly how you feel about the relief of a nice hot shower. I went to Loveland today, and although the snow was pretty nice, I still had to ignore my aching quads and calfs in order to get down the mountain. I think I'm starting to get a hang of this carving thing...but we'll see. Cheers!

2/06/2005 9:58 PM  

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