Monday, November 01, 2004

Literary Me!

~Kinda like "Magical Me,"
---but I would hope that I am not quite as arrogant as the Gilderoy Lockhart of the children's book series
"Harry Potter and the blah blah blah.”

I've written a lot recently, well, more than is customary. But then, what is custom, since randomness and irregularity power this spontaneous and rather dull lifestyle? It doesn't seem like that much to me... at least right now. But then the effects of staying up until 2:30 this morning writing haven't set in yet! I'm sure you all, or most, or some, or a few of you are glad I'm posting... It's very nice, after all to see that other people have written new stuff. `Gives you something to read when you're surfing the WWW in class (or else where, cuz who in their right mind would be online in class when there are so many interesting things to be learned if you just pay attention?)

So yes... Browse to your heart's content. Leave me comments!!! I'd love to hear from ya! ~and make sure you check out my "Globe Trotting" and "Little Lessons" sections. In them, I proudly present more ramblings from this Village Idiot's jumbled mind, but in a more categorical setup {if you want to call it that!}

In the meantime, I must go shower. They are planning to turn off the hot water today. I must bathe before then. Besides, I've finally gotten over my fear of excercise machines and working out with other people around. My fear of being the slowest, weakest one on the mountain convinced me to get rid of my summer legs! Pain builds character. I'd rather build character now than waste my time on the slopes doing so when I could be having fun. Besides, the janitor isn't due for another hour and there is no one in the dorm right now. What better time than now?