Monday, October 11, 2004

Life's little lesson for October 11

Every day, one learns new things. School has nothing to do with this process of learning. Indeed, this daily learning corresponds more with the acquisition of wisdom than the retention of "book learning," as direct schooling is often called. My grandma, one of the wisest, most venerable people I know, actively tries to 'learn something new for the day," as she calls it. Me, I just get slapped in the face by little things that seem to be either very insignificant or overly obvious. Maybe someday I'll learn to look for things that make a difference or offer key insights into that generalization we call the human condition, but for now, I will share with you those things that manifested themselves upon my person today.

1. A person whom one values for their character, experience, or judgment can make or break the defining mood of a specific day with one sentence or comment in passing.

2. Those simple joys of life that are often refered to inspirational calendars and self-help books can often include rearranging your room with a hyperactive roommate instead of walking to the library on a nice day to renew a book you are in the middle of reading and enjoying thoroughly.

I have decided to name my towel "SULLY" after the fuzzy blue monster in the movie Monsters Inc. He is blue, shaggy, and leaves blue fuzzies all over me when I get out of the shower. I have used him for a month and washed him twice, to no avail.

Spanish phrase for the day: "Que pasa, calabaza"

Literally it translates into "what's happening, pumpkin" However, the intended meaning is similar to the "what's up, dawg" phenomenon in English.