Tuesday, October 05, 2004

My Epiphany

Today, after checking my email about five times and finding that nothing had changed, I realized: You have to send emails to people in order to get some back. After informing most of my friends that I was not a big fan of forwards, the volume in my inbox decreased rapidly, much to my immediate gratification. However, the ammount of meaningful emails arriving did not increase. Somehow, I was not perturbed. Perhaps, it is becuase, at the point in my life, I was not experiencing the drastic change going to an out of state college can have on your life. Now that I am over a thousand miles from the place that I called "Home" for 18 years, I realize that one cannot preserve one's mental integrity without the links to the past that one maintains through personal contact and those people we indiscriminatly name as "friends." Thus, to avoid the irrational and easily explicable dissapointment that I have found in my email inbox today, I will sign off now, and write to my correspondants, who were probably similarly dissapointed at the lack of mail from me in thier inboxes over the past week. What's the point of saying you're a writer if you don't write?