Friday, October 29, 2004

Where is the fountain of youth?

A college student is known for three things: Drinking, pulling all-nighters, and having a crappy car.

I have a crappy car... My dad doesn't want me to bring the nice ones here, so I have the rusty one, which, I am sure will only rust more before I am done with Minnesota winters.

I don't drink. Somehow, the idea of becoming stupid for fun is... well... stupid. Granted, drunk people are fun to watch, which is why Friday night is the best night to people watch, cuz all the drunks are out, but I don't want them puking on my futon, thank you very much!

I am too old to pull all-nighters. I used to do them in high school. Then my math teacher yelled at me for falling asleep standing up in the back of class. {If we fell asleep at our desks, we had to stand up, the theory being you can't fall asleep as easily on your feet.} And still I pulled all-nighters anyways. But, like I said, I am too old. I am barely cognizant at 8 am anyways, and after staying awake all night, there is no hope. None at all.

Having said this, my paper is now turned in, and it is time for a nap. I must awake in an hour to take a field trip to the local trailer parks. 24k a year to paint pumpkins and tour trailer parks? Education isn't really what it seems!

1 Squibs:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, you've immortalized me on the web! It does, however, occur to me that you could have probably been a brilliant mathematician if you had been AWAKE during Algebra II. Ah...the possibilities! Thanks anyway for the honorable mention.

10/29/2004 8:24 PM  

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