Friday, October 29, 2004

My Pumpkin

This is my pumpkin. His name is David. {Yes, I have a penchant for naming things! I even got my roommate to name her computer!} I made him. ---Well, not really. Someone else planted him, and raised him, and harvested him, and sold him, and bought him. I just painted him. T'was an odd experience... However, living with 22 girls is an odd experience. Today, as I walked into the shower, I was confronted with a piece of underclothing that some lackadaisical young lady had left hanging from the hooks. What an unpleasant experience! At first, I thought, "Why even bother wearing anything?" Then I saw the cute little ladybug pattern, and I immediately thought of the infestation of biting ladybugs we had earlier this year. It is because of this that I am determined that girls are a little on the far side of cuckoo! ~~~Then there was the sign that miraculously appeared above the mirrors in both bathrooms over reading break... "Blow-drying your hair is NOT a quiet hours activity." Personally, I think that hairdryers are a nuisance and should be banned entirely. However, since all girls are dependant on hairdryers {something about not enjoying having their hair become icicles that tinkle merrily as they walk to class} it is unfortunate that quiet hours end at 7 am, instead of, say... 11am! Oh yeah, I was talking about my pumpkin! So, as a group-building and recreational activity, our section painted pumpkins... I'd never painted a pumpkin before. We always carve them at home. But I painted this one, albeit not very artistically, and glued feathers to his head. No, he does not have pigtails. It’s either male pattern balding gone wild, or he’s very scared being around all these girls. {Who wouldn’t be?}

Happy Halloween!