Sunday, October 31, 2004

Blue Funk Week

It’s blue funk week. The week after a break is always rough. Having a paper due three days after a visit home isn't very helpful either. Don't professors understand that we are just coming back from seeing our friends and family for the first time? Can't they understand that longing and lament are the most common emotions after freshman realize the life they are missing out on, having left home and high school behind (hopefully)?

Oh well. Hell week is over. I can once again look forward to going home this weekend. Yay snowboarding!!!! It will be fun and exciting. And then I will be sad. And I will have the second draft of yet-another-paper-from-hell due. What a recipe for disaster!!

Some advice that my well-informed muse passed my way: If it’s blue funk week for you- get your biggest project out of the way. Exercise- sneak into the workout room after everyone has left to go party for the night. Or walk 20 minutes to get to your car, and then go on a nice, long relaxing drive in the country at high speeds, watching out for cows, sheeps, and farm equipment ~preferably with a radio that works.

Pray for me next week! That I survive yet another Blue Funk Hell Week, yes. But more so that I don't break something or fall off a lift this weekend at Copper Mountain Resort, in the good ole Rocky Mountains!

1 Squibs:

Blogger Val said...

Your confusing me. talking about copper and stuff now i don't know where you are

11/01/2004 6:44 PM  

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