Sunday, February 20, 2005

A Vindictive Blog

Coming soon to a bookstore near you:

Chicken Soup for the Dorm-Inhabitors Soul: Stories about dorm smells, dorm noises, dorm furniture, dorm roommates, and other dorm miseries.

Chicken Soup for the Incarcerated Soul: Stories about breakouts, prison riots, and instructions for the storage of weapons in feather mattresses.

Chicken Soup for the Virgin's Soul - Stories to encourage the chaste, commiserate with the single, and console those who haven't given to their flower to anyone.

Chicken Soup for the Promiscuous Soul - Tales to encourage the immoral, console those whose significant other is only in it for the sex and detailed advice on treating STD's without a trip to the doctor.

Chicken Soup for the Married Soul - Stories about other people's kids, other people's houses, other people's cars, and the leaky sink downstairs.

Chichen Soop for the Children's Soul: Funny pictures of Mom doing Carpool duty, Dad cooking, the dog taking a bath, and the time the teenage siblings stole the car.

Chicken Soup for the Custodial Soul- Stories about lazy people who never clean up after themselves.

Chicken Soup for the Soul in Foodservice -Stories about people who can't serve themselves.

Chicken Soup for the Bedridden Soul - Millions of Remedies for getting over a cold, the flu, infectious diseases and broken hearts.

***THIS is a satire. These books don't exist and I have no intention of writing them. ***

1 Squibs:

Blogger Athena Nike said...

but meggers, would that book ever get written? and if it did, would a true procrastinator actually ever read the whole thing? Just kidding, of course.

May I suggest Chicken Soup for the Anime Addict's. . .oh wait, never mind.

2/28/2005 5:06 PM  

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