Saturday, December 04, 2004

Somewhere I Belong

I was happy today.

This proves that I must indeed be busy to be happy. A job or service project -one I feel comfortable and competent in doing - is the keystone to happiness. From there it matters not that I have friends. A good co-worker is sufficient. A few people to say 'hi' to or to chat with in passing is an auxiliary pleasure.

The feeling of accomplishment from doing all the homework I did today with out the customary negative emotions accompanying the work, while being obligated to complete other duties (dust-mopping the gym floor, emptying trash cans, checking bathrooms) is a splendid emotion; one that sets the mind at ease. I have not experienced a feeling like that since high school, as I filled my free time with a paid position and fulfilled my duties as a student.

I know that I cannot simply go and sit in the Custodial Break Room and spend the afternoon of any day enraptured in schoolwork, but on those days when I must work for a majority of the day, I know that I will come away from the shift in a much better mental and scholastic place. This is proof that the spirit of the place has little to do with its associated homework-productivity quota, but that the positive results come from within. Within this person lies a deep need to be working, to be busy, to be happy.