Thursday, November 25, 2004

What Did the Turkey Do?

It’s Thanksgiving. That means it’s the time of the year when millions of turkeys in farms across the country are slaughtered, frozen, and sold for 70 cents a pound. (No, I'm NOT a vegan!) College students from around the country fly or drive home to visit their parents. And the whole world, it seems, eats too much, sits back and undoes their belt buckle, talking all the while about football, politics, or family friends.

I'm home. I ate turkey; probably the moistest turkey we've had in while. I ate stuffing. It was good. So was the cranberry salad; gotta love those marshmallows! My sister made the mashed potatoes- I think I have found the flaw in her impeccable cooking, though her homemade pies were excellent, down to the pumpkin filling artfully scraped from a can. *The crust was 100% homemade.* Then I sat around and talked politics, the downfall of American culture, and books. Now I'm blogging. (no, really?)

Congratulations to me. Does that mean I'm finally starting to fit in?

I'm home. I ate turkey; probably the most moist turkey we've had in while. I ate stuffing. It was good. So was the cranberry salad; gotta love those marshmellows! My sister made the mashed potatoes- I think I have found the flaw in her impeccable cooking, though her homemade pies were excellent, down to the pumkin filling artfully scraped from a can. *The crust was 100% homemade.* Then I sat around and talked politics, the downfall of American culture, and books. Now I'm blogging. (no, really?)

Congratulations to me. Does that mean I'm finally starting to fit in.

1 Squibs:

Blogger Val said...

what was wrong with the mashed potatoes? what did i do that wasn't right? i just blended them mom did everygthing else.

11/27/2004 12:55 PM  

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