Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Horrible Horrible Heat

Its not freezing out side, for crying out loud. The snow that was on the ground two days ago is about gone, and the weather is so nice that one needs not worry about a jacket, mittens, or a hat. Yet the building that I live in for today is as warm as a Minnesota summer, minus the humidity! Something is wrong with this here! Oh wait, I'm in Minnesota. Its winter, and the people don't like it cold. Thus, the dizzying heat.

I gotta do something about this! There is no way that I am going to strip to feel comfortable in a classroom. As a matter of fact, even if I did strip, I doubt that I would feel any better. Breathing in the overly warm air is suffocating enough.

I've got it! I'm gonna open a window. Hopefully my revolutionary action will not earn me any ostracision, or any stares, or cruel comments from the teacher. Hooray for breaking from cultural norms! Wait, is warmth and shelter a norm or a desire?