Monday, December 20, 2004


And I seem to have brought big gusts of wind with me! Its warmer here, so the wind doesn't hurt, but still... Colorado is supposed to be a paradise of weather. Well, sorta...

Its so nice to be home~ I can sleep all day, and hang out with people all night, and there are no hairdryers, cellphones, or loud conversations near my room, and there is something to do at night, and good friend with which to do it.

We went to IHOP last night. Now that is some good Hollandaise sauce~ they really know how to do it right there! Then we rented The Godfather and worked on a puzzle till 1:30 am. Joy and rapture! Of course, those 8am classes kinda mess with the system, and I was awake by 9... Save me! I am turning into a morning person!

Now its time to go wrap Christmas presents... A flurry of paper, scissors, and tape. ~no productivity involved, of course, and then go shopping. Why don't I ever have any money?

The hot apple cider is calling my name, I must go follow the wafts of its sweet aroma, and bid the internet farewell. BYEBYE