Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A Laundry List

I am out of socks! Oh darn... I still don't know where the laundry room in this building is.
But more than laundry, here is a list of what I need to do.

1. Write big bullshit paper about Aristotle that compares (bad sign, very bad sign! No original thought involved) him to lots of other stuff, and is 5-6 pages. Due Weds.

2. Study for test about Western Civ (very broad and boring topic) that will be very big test and happen for 2 hours on friday.

3. Study for test on Modern Russia, prepared by same guy who makes Western Civ test... to occur sometime next week.

4. Write 5 page essay on "place" and "home" to be turned in before spring break.

5. Find time to watch Russian movie I will be not seeing on Wednesday becuase I am going to see very good play in very good place with very good friend.

6. Email Lenzini and figure out how to defend the priesthood to protestants, since I can't justify stuff by saying "its just right" or "how could it be any other way?"

7. Clean room so that best friend who visits this weekend will recieve favorable impression of my 8x10 jail cell with a real windowsill and closets. Yes, CLOSETS! HOORAY CLOSETS!

4 Squibs:

Blogger Paul said...


My laundry list isn't so long, because I'm cool like that:

1. Memorize/block/beat/analyze the monologue I chose. All of that is due Thursday.

2. Pretty much start the program dealing with doubly-linked lists. It's gonna take at least 5 more hours to finish. Due Wednesday.

3. General Psychology test on Wednesday that I haven't really begun to study for.

4. Read craploads of poetry for Literature.

5. Get organized for spring break!

The 5th one makes me happy.

3/15/2005 4:56 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

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3/15/2005 4:57 PM  
Blogger Athena Nike said...

I don't know if you can defend the priesthood to Lutherans. We've had the "priesthood of believers" indoctrinated into us our entire lives. To us, it's just right. Our pastors are just like any other person--it's just that it's not a good idea to have 100 people all trying to baptize a baby, so we call one whose spiritual gifts and training qualify one for the office.

As for my laundry list:

1. Memorize Greek vocab. so I don't bomb tomorrow's quiz.

2. Latin homework and study for Tuesday exam.

3. Practice semantic trees and study for Wednesday exam.

4. Read Spinoza for Mod. Phil. and write argument summary for Spinoza or Locke.

5. Do CPR worksheets.

6. Chew out roommate for lending out my stuff without asking me.

7. Get some sleep so I'm not so damn testy.

8. Perkins run before break?

3/17/2005 5:41 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

Greek, huh? I took that last semester. I ended up dropping it, though, due more to my inatteniveness than it being hard or anything. Looking back on it, tho, I kinda feel bad that I did :\

luw luomen
lueis luete
lue luosi

Or something like that. I took some Latin, too, with Katy, of course.

3/19/2005 2:55 PM  

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