Friday, March 11, 2005

Injury and Ire

I spent a great deal of yesterday afternoon text messaging. With all the messages of that sort I send weekly, one would assume that I would have developed a callous or something. Yet, after yesteday afternoon, where I probably wrote 60 messages, I seem to have developed a blister on my thumb. Ouch! I like to use that thumb. And next, I will go to class, a class in which idiots butcher the Bible, and protest does nothing. Of course we're allowed to have an opinion. But there are right and wrong opinions, and the only determining factor is the teacher's wrath. I can't wait to get back to a Catholic school, where the popular push for "tolerance" has not yet undermined teaching in all classrooms like it has in these wishy-washy homes of heretics, such as this Southern Minnesotan 360 acre pagan community. For more rants on this worthless class, see Jon's Blog.