I'm talking to a friend who is currently getting a Master's Degree at Luther Seminary in Minneapolis/St. Paul.
This week, she "learned" that, "apparently there are many gods, Yahweh being one of them, which are all expression of the ancient god El."
She tells me:
Wait till you hear what the gal's response was!
This week, she "learned" that, "apparently there are many gods, Yahweh being one of them, which are all expression of the ancient god El."
She tells me:
"One student in my small group told me that hieroglyphics definitively prove the existence of other gods and that the gods exist in a tiered system of which the Christian God just happens to be the most important.
Pretty witty, you say, right?I asked her if she has ever professed the Nicene Creed."
Wait till you hear what the gal's response was!
To echo the sentiments of the old Professor in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, "I wonder what they do teach them at these schools.""She wanted to know what the Nicene Creed had to do with it. *facepalm!"